IFRS 16: Leases Advisory Services

Streamline Lease Accounting and Compliance with IFRS 16 Standards across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan, and other places.

About Prima Consulting IFRS Advisory & Accounting Services

Prima Consulting’s IFRS Advisory & Accounting Services specialize in providing comprehensive solutions for IFRS 16: Leases.
Our experts help businesses across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan, and other regions. navigate the complexities of lease accounting and ensure compliance with the latest lease standards.
With over 50 years of combined experience, we offer tailored advice that aligns with both local regulations and global best practices.
A close-up image of a person’s hands, one holding a pen, with a small blue car model on a desk, keys beside it, and documents underneath. This setting suggests the theme of lease accounting and compliance in line with IFRS 16 standards.

Overview of IFRS 16: Leases

What is IFRS 16?

IFRS 16 has fundamentally transformed lease accounting, requiring businesses in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan and elsewhere to adapt to new standards for financial reporting.
Understanding and implementing IFRS 16 is crucial for companies aiming to stay compliant and accurately present their lease obligations.

Challenges in Implementation

Implementing IFRS 16 presents several challenges, including lease classification, determining the discount rate, and managing lease modifications.
Companies must also consider the impact of IFRS 16 on their IT systems, internal controls, and overall financial strategy.
Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive understanding of the standard and its practical application.

Key Changes from Previous Standards

IFRS 16 replaces IAS 17 and introduces a single lease accounting model, eliminating the distinction between operating leases and finance leases.
Under IFRS 16, companies must recognize a right-of-use asset and a corresponding lease liability on the balance sheet.
This change affects both lessees and lessors and has significant implications for financial statements.

Benefits of Effective Implementation:

Successfully adopting IFRS 16 enhances transparency, improves financial reporting, and provides a clearer view of lease-related obligations.
This can lead to better decision-making, improved stakeholder confidence, and a more accurate representation of your company’s financial position.
Furthermore, it streamlines lease management processes, ensuring compliance with global standards and reducing the risk of financial discrepancies.

Prima Consulting's IFRS 16: Leases Services

At Prima Consulting, we offer a comprehensive range of services to ensure your business adheres to IFRS 16 standards, providing expert support every step of the way.

Comprehensive Review of Lease Contracts and Accounting Practices

We thoroughly examine your existing lease agreements and accounting practices, identifying any gaps in compliance to help streamline your reporting processes.

This detailed review ensures that all your practices align with the latest lease accounting standards.

Identification of Lease Contracts Within IFRS 16 Scope

Our team assists in pinpointing which leases fall under IFRS 16, ensuring accurate classification and adherence to the new standards.

Proper identification helps in avoiding any potential compliance issues.

Assessment of Current Accounting Policies Against IFRS 16 Requirements

We evaluate your current accounting policies and make necessary adjustments to align them with IFRS 16, highlighting areas that require updates.

This assessment helps ensure your financial reporting is precise and up-to-date.

Gap Analysis for Improvement or Modification

We perform a detailed gap analysis to identify areas where your lease accounting practices need enhancement or modification, ensuring full compliance.

This analysis also helps in optimizing your lease management strategy.

Development of IFRS 16 Implementation Roadmap

We create a customized roadmap and project plan to guide you through the IFRS 16 implementation process, ensuring a smooth transition and compliance.

This roadmap provides a clear path for achieving effective implementation and integration.

Assistance in Data Collection and System Implementation

Our team helps you gather the required data and adjust your systems to meet IFRS 16 requirements, making the transition efficient and seamless.

Effective data collection and system adjustments are crucial for accurate lease accounting.

Training and Education for Finance and Accounting Teams

We offer specialized training to equip your finance and accounting teams with the necessary knowledge to manage IFRS 16 processes effectively.

Empowering your team with this knowledge enhances their ability to handle new standards proficiently.

Support in Calculating Lease Liabilities and Right-of-Use Assets

Our experts assist in accurately calculating lease liabilities and right-of-use assets, ensuring precise and compliant financial reporting.

Accurate calculations are essential for transparent financial statements under IFRS 16.

Preparation of Initial Adoption Journal Entries

We guide you through preparing initial journal entries for the first-time adoption of IFRS 16, ensuring proper accounting from the start.

This preparation is vital for a smooth transition to the new accounting standard.

Review of Lease Contracts and Modifications

We continuously support you in reviewing lease contracts and any modifications, ensuring ongoing compliance with IFRS 16.

Regular reviews help in maintaining adherence to evolving lease standards.

Calculation of Lease Payments and Amortization

Our team helps you calculate lease payments and amortization schedules, making sure they align with IFRS 16 guidelines for accurate financial statements.

Correct calculation of these elements is key to proper lease accounting.

Preparation of Disclosures and Financial Statements

We assist in preparing disclosures and financial statements to ensure transparency and completeness in your reporting.

Comprehensive disclosures are essential for meeting IFRS 16 requirements and building stakeholder trust.

Assistance with Internal Control and Compliance Testing

We support internal control testing and compliance assessments, helping you maintain rigorous standards in your lease accounting processes.

Effective internal controls are crucial for sustaining compliance with IFRS 16.

Monitoring of Accounting Standards Updates

Our team keeps you updated on IFRS 16 changes and their impact on your business, helping you stay current and compliant.

Staying informed about updates is essential for ongoing adherence to accounting standards.

Lease Portfolio Analysis and Optimization

We analyze your lease portfolio to identify opportunities for optimization, improving your overall lease management and financial performance.

Portfolio analysis aids in enhancing efficiency and reducing lease-related costs.

Lease Renegotiation Support

We provide expert advice and support during lease renegotiations, aiming for outcomes that align with IFRS 16 and benefit your business.

Strategic renegotiations can help in achieving better lease terms and financial outcomes.

Lease Termination and Early Surrender Analysis

We assist in analyzing the financial implications of lease terminations or early surrenders, helping you manage risks and ensure compliance.

Understanding these implications is crucial for mitigating the financial risks associated with leases.

Lease Accounting System Implementation and Maintenance

We help select and implement lease accounting software that meets IFRS 16 requirements and provide ongoing maintenance to keep your systems effective.

Implementing the right software supports accurate and efficient lease accounting.

Pre-Audit Readiness Assessments

We conduct pre-audit assessments to ensure your lease accounting processes and documentation are ready for audits.

Being audit-ready minimizes the risk of compliance issues and enhances overall financial credibility.

Support in Preparing for and Responding to Auditor Inquiries

We offer expert assistance in preparing for and addressing auditor inquiries related to IFRS 16, ensuring a smooth audit process.

Effective preparation helps in responding confidently to auditor questions and concerns.

Review of Lease Accounting Processes and Controls

We review your lease accounting processes and controls, ensuring they are robust and compliant with IFRS 16 standards.

This review strengthens your overall accounting practices and compliance efforts.

Independent Verification of Lease Calculations and Disclosures

We provide independent verification of lease calculations and disclosures, ensuring accuracy and adherence to IFRS 16.

Verification ensures that all reported figures are correct and compliant with accounting standards.

Industry-Specific IFRS 16 Guidance

We offer tailored IFRS 16 guidance for specific industries such as real estate, retail, and transportation, addressing unique sector challenges.

This industry-specific advice helps in navigating particular accounting requirements effectively.

IFRS 16 Impact Assessments for Mergers and Acquisitions

We evaluate the impact of IFRS 16 on mergers and acquisitions, helping you make informed decisions during significant business changes.

Understanding these impacts ensures better decision-making and strategic planning.

IFRS 16 Training and Workshops

We conduct training sessions and workshops to keep your team updated with the latest IFRS 16 requirements and best practices.

Regular training enhances your team’s ability to stay current with evolving standards.

Lease Accounting Software Selection and Implementation Support

We assist in selecting and implementing the best lease accounting software for your needs, ensuring it aligns with IFRS 16 requirements and enhances efficiency.

Choosing the right software supports effective lease management and reporting.

Why Choose Prima Consulting for IFRS 16 Implementation?

Comprehensive Guidance on IFRS 16 Implementation

At Prima Consulting, we provide expert guidance on implementing IFRS 16, ensuring a seamless transition from initial assessment to full compliance. Our team of professionals is well-versed in lease accounting and adept at handling the complexities of the new standards.

Expert Assistance for First-Time Adoption and Lease Classification

We offer tailored solutions for first-time adoption of IFRS 16 and accurate lease classification. Our experts help you navigate the initial stages of compliance, ensuring that all leases are correctly identified and reported.

Support for Lease Term Modifications and Ongoing Compliance

Our services extend to managing lease term modifications and maintaining ongoing compliance with IFRS 16. We assist in adapting your lease accounting practices to address changes and ensure continuous adherence to the standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

IFRS 16 mandates that lessees recognize both assets and liabilities for all leases with a term exceeding 12 months unless the underlying asset is deemed to be of low value. This marks a significant departure from the previous classification of leases as either finance or operating leases.

IFRS 16 provides specific guidelines for determining whether an underlying asset qualifies as low value. The assessment is based on the asset's initial value when new, not its current value. If the initial value is below the specified threshold, the lease can be excluded from balance sheet recognition.

IFRS 16 adopts a "right-of-use" model for lease accounting. This means that if a company has the right to control or use an asset, it is considered a lease for accounting purposes and must be recognized on the balance sheet. This is a substantial departure from the previous approach.

According to IFRS 16, a contract is considered a lease if it grants the lessee the right to control the use of an identified asset for a specified period in exchange for consideration. This means that the lessee must have both the right to obtain substantially all the economic benefits from the asset and the right to direct its use.

IFRS 16 aims to ensure that lessees accurately reflect the economic substance of their lease arrangements in their financial statements. By requiring the recognition of both assets and liabilities for major leases, the standard provides a more comprehensive view of a company's financial position and performance.

IFRS 16 offers a simplified method for lessees with leases that meet certain criteria, such as having a term of 12 months or less or involving an underlying asset of low value. This method allows for less complex accounting treatment, reducing the administrative burden for such leases.

IFRS 16 establishes principles for accounting for leases by both lessors and lessees. It guides on identifying leases within contracts, separating individual components, and consistently accounting for all leases. The goal is to enhance transparency and comparability in financial reporting.

The most significant impact of IFRS 16 is the increase in reported debt on balance sheets. All leases, including previously off-balance sheet operating leases, must now be recognized as liabilities. This can have implications for financial ratios and creditworthiness.

Under IFRS 16, the lease liability is initially measured at the present value of future lease payments, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease. The right-of-use asset is recognized at the same amount, minus any lease payments made at the commencement date.

IFRS 16 is expected to significantly impact the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement for companies with material leases. It requires the recognition of lease liabilities and right-of-use assets, leading to increased debt and lease-related expenses. Disclosure requirements are also enhanced to provide more transparency.

The primary difference between IAS 17 and IFRS 16 lies in the treatment of residual value guarantees provided by lessees to lessors. IAS 17 requires the recognition of the maximum guaranteed amount, while IFRS 16 mandates the recognition of only the expected amount payable.

IFRS 16 became effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2019. It replaced IAS 17, IFRIC 4, SIC-15, and SIC-27. Early adoption was permitted if IFRS 15 was also applied.

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