Prima Consulting's
IAS 19 Actuarial
Valuation Tool

Transform Your IAS 19 Compliance with Ease.
Effortless, Accurate, and Secure Actuarial Valuations to Streamline Employee Benefits Accounting and Ensure Compliance.

Prima Consulting’s IAS 19 Valuation Tool features a modern dashboard design with an aqua-colored bar graph titled ‘Liability Breakup by Age.’ The graph visually represents increasing liability amounts with age, and adjacent data fields display relevant information such as Valuation Date, Total Employees, Salary, Liability, and Post Service. Prima’s tool streamlines the valuation of End of Service Benefits (EOSB), Gratuity, and Defined Benefit Lumpsum Payments, ensuring compliance with IAS 19 and enhancing pension accounting accuracy and efficiency

Prima Consulting's IAS 19 Software: Simplified Actuarial Valuations

Prima Consulting’s IAS 19 Actuarial Valuation Suite is a comprehensive tool for conducting actuarial valuations of employee benefits, including Gratuity and End of Service Benefits (EOSB), as mandated by IAS 19.

Our suite offers a complete actuarial valuation with a signed report, automatically suggests actuarial assumptions based on demographic profiles, and generates instant reports without relying on third-party consultants.

This ensures accurate calculations of defined benefit lumpsum payments while maintaining control over your confidential employee data.

Our software is designed to streamline the valuation process, making it efficient, secure, and compliant with IAS 19 requirements.

By using Prima Consulting’s IAS 19 software, businesses can enhance their financial statements and ensure they meet all regulatory obligations without hassle.
Prima Consulting’s IAS 19 Actuarial Valuation Suite is a powerful tool designed for conducting actuarial valuations of employee benefits, including Gratuity and End of Service Benefits (EOSB), as mandated by IAS 19. The suite offers a complete valuation process, automatically suggesting actuarial assumptions based on demographic profiles and generating instant reports without relying on third-party consultants. Notably, it ensures accurate calculations of defined benefit lumpsum payments while maintaining control over confidential employee data. By streamlining the valuation process and ensuring compliance with IAS 19 requirements, businesses can enhance their financial statements and meet regulatory obligations seamlessly
The image showcases Prima Consulting’s IAS 19 Actuarial Valuation Suite, a specialized software tool designed for conducting actuarial valuations of employee benefits.

Key Features of Prima Consulting's IAS 19 Software?

Two professionals in an office setting: A customer support representative wearing a headset interacts with a computer screen in the foreground, while another individual works on their computer in the background. The image conveys a professional environment where dedicated support is provided, aligning with the accompanying text about comprehensive assistance from actuaries and accountants through IAS 19 software

Dedicated Support

Our IAS 19 software stands out due to the dedicated support provided by a team of highly qualified actuaries and accountants, who are always available to assist you.

Their comprehensive assistance spans the entire valuation process and audit, ensuring you receive expert guidance at every stage, from initial assessment to final reporting.

A person is working on a laptop displaying a colorful bar graph with statistical data, likely related to actuarial valuation. The graph shows various bars in shades of blue and orange, indicating different values against a numerical scale. The laptop is on a desk with a blurred background, suggesting an office setting. A cup of coffee sits next to the laptop, indicating a work environment

Comprehensive Actuarial Valuation Suite

Our suite of tools is meticulously crafted to manage the actuarial valuation of employee retirement benefit liabilities effectively.

It ensures compliance with various financial reporting standards, including AASB 119, FAS 87, Ind AS 19, IAS 19, HKAS 19, and ASPE 3642.

A digital illustration overlays a photograph, depicting a person typing on a laptop keyboard with the screen glowing. In the foreground, there’s a prominent graphic of a padlock symbolizing security, surrounded by various data visualization graphics such as bar graphs and icons representing document security, cloud storage, and encrypted communication. This image conveys the concept of advanced cybersecurity measures in place to protect sensitive employee data managed by software

Unmatched Security

It's always important to keep your confidential employee data secure. Our software provides a safe platform for managing employee data without sharing it with external consultants, ensuring that all information remains within your control.

This enhances privacy and security, giving you peace of mind when handling sensitive information.

An abstract representation of a cloud-based platform: A neon blue cloud symbol with circuit-like patterns at the center, surrounded by five shields with checkmarks. The background features a dark blue digital grid pattern.

Cloud-Based Platform

Our platform, powered by Oracle Cloud Services, is designed to meet the rigorous standards of Cloud Computing, Regulatory Framework Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL), and Information Technology Commission (CITC) regulations established by the KSA.

Furthermore, it is fully compliant and functional in the UAE, Pakistan, and other regions, allowing widespread use and applicability.

Effortless Operations: A digital composite image showcases modern technology in actuarial operations. The central focus is a translucent blue ‘AI’ symbol, representing artificial intelligence, surrounded by icons and graphics symbolizing data processing and technological interfaces. In the foreground, hands interact with a tablet, reflecting an advanced AI-driven system for efficient actuarial valuation.

Effortless Operations

Transform the actuarial valuation process from several months to moments with our efficient system.

Our platform allows you to easily upload your data, customize actuarial assumptions, and instantly generate reports for each reporting entity or unit. Say hello to quick, accurate, and independent actuarial valuation processes.

A hand flipping one wooden block in a series, changing the word ‘LOCAL’ to ‘GLOBAL.’ The blocks are set against a bright yellow background, symbolizing the adaptability and global reach of a system initially tailored for local markets in the Middle East and Pakistan. This represents the system’s compliance with regional labor laws while highlighting its capability to expand and operate globally.

Tailored for the Middle East and Pakistan

Our system has been intricately developed to conform to the labor laws of Saudi Arabia and other relevant regulations in the region.

This helps ensure that our system remains compliant and operates effectively not only in Saudi Arabia and the UAE but also in Pakistan and other similar jurisdictions.

Comprehensive Benefits of Prima Consulting's IAS 19 Software

Unlimited Re-runs

You have the freedom to run valuations multiple times at no extra cost. This exceptional flexibility enables you to make continuous adjustments, guaranteeing the accuracy and precision of your financial reporting.

Seamless Operations

It is essential to conduct all IAS 19 valuations internally to streamline operations, reduce dependence on third-party consultants, and increase efficiency, cost savings, and control over the valuation process. Developing in-house expertise ensures accurate and timely valuations while maintaining confidentiality and control over financial information.

Compliance Adherence

Our software is designed to guarantee compliance with all pertinent regulations, such as the Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) and Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) regulations. This ensures that users have peace of mind knowing they are meeting their regulatory obligations.

Informed Decision Making

Utilize comprehensive and in-depth reports and insights from our software to make informed and strategic decisions regarding employee benefits, actuarial assumptions, and financial strategies.

Instant Results

Obtain immediate, accurate results and generate comprehensive reports instantly, bypassing the typical waiting period that accompanies traditional actuarial valuation processes.

No Data Sharing

Our system allows you to retain complete authority over your data without disclosing sensitive information to third parties. This approach significantly boosts privacy and security measures, ensuring your data remains protected.

Accurate Valuations

Make use of accurate and thorough calculations of defined benefit obligations, plan assets, and additional employee benefits to guarantee the production of dependable financial statements and adherence to IAS 19 standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

IAS 19 is a critical accounting standard that outlines the principles for recognizing and measuring employee benefits liabilities. It covers many benefits, including short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits like pensions, and termination benefits. Understanding and applying IAS 19 correctly is essential for accurate financial reporting, particularly for organizations with significant employee costs.

An IAS 19 actuarial valuation is a specialized assessment of a company's financial obligations arising from employee benefits promises. It involves complex calculations to determine the present value of these liabilities based on various actuarial assumptions. This valuation is crucial for complying with IAS 19 requirements and clearly showing the company's financial position.

IAS 19 and AS 15 are accounting standards related to employee benefits but differ in their treatment of actuarial gains and losses. While AS 15 allows these gains and losses to be recognized in the profit and loss account, IAS 19 mandates that they be recognized in other comprehensive income (OCI). This distinction significantly impacts a company's financial statements and overall financial performance.

The withdrawal rate in IAS 19 refers to the estimated annual percentage of employees expected to leave the company before retirement. This rate is a crucial factor in calculating employee benefit obligations. It is essential to use accurate and up-to-date withdrawal rates to ensure the reliability of actuarial valuations and financial reporting.

In the context of IAS 19, plan assets represent the resources held by a pension plan or other employee benefit fund that are available to meet future benefit obligations. These assets can include investments, cash, and other financial instruments. Accurate valuation and management of plan assets are vital for effective employee benefits management and financial reporting.

The asset ceiling in IAS 19 represents the maximum amount that can be recognized as an asset related to a defined benefit plan. It is calculated as the present value of expected economic benefits available to the company from the plan. Understanding the asset ceiling is essential for determining the appropriate accounting treatment of plan assets and liabilities.

IAS 19 focuses on the employer's perspective in accounting for employee benefits, while IAS 26 deals with the financial reporting of retirement benefit plans. IAS 19 governs how companies recognize and measure employee benefit costs and liabilities in their financial statements, whereas IAS 26 guides retirement benefit plans on their financial reporting.

A settlement in IAS 19 occurs when a company transfers all or part of its obligations under a defined benefit plan to another party. This typically involves a lump sum payment or creating a separate entity to hold the plan's assets and liabilities. Settlements have significant implications for financial reporting and require careful accounting treatment.

The IAS 19 amendment, "Plan Amendments, Curtailments, and Settlements," introduced changes to the accounting treatment of modifications to employee benefit plans. It provides specific guidance on accounting for plan amendments, curtailments (reductions in benefits), and settlements, ensuring consistency and comparability in financial reporting.

A curtailment in IAS 19 refers to modifying a defined benefit plan that reduces the expected future benefits for current employees. This can occur due to changes in employment terms, plan closures, or other factors. Curtailments have financial implications for the company and require appropriate accounting treatment under IAS 19.

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